Learning Platforms

April – June
April – June
International Youth Camp
South Africa and Germany share a similar history of segregation and racial segregation because of one’s colour, identity as well as culture. Taking into account the stature of South Africa and Nelson Mandela after 1994 about reconciliation and social cohesion, it was against this background that South African learners through the Nelson Mandela Museum, were invited to be part of the International Youth Camp in Germany. The main objective of the camp is to groom young leaders, expose them to the social ills and dangers of NAZI ideology in Germany as well as Apartheid in South Africa. This is also about social cohesion and nation building so that the present and future generation would not repeat the mistakes made by the generations before them. Students also get exposed to a variety of cultures as students who participate in the camp come from different social and cultural backgrounds. During this camp learners also get the opportunity to visit the concentration camps where people were tortured and died. They also get the opportunity to listen to moving and harrowing testimonies of the survivors of the concentration camps and brutality of the NAZI.
July – September
July – September
Winter School Camp
The Winter Camp was inspired by the 1976 students’ uprising in that they had an agency to challenge the then status quo at the time. They were active agents of the change that they wanted to see in their lives, they were not passive. This camp is about instilling positive values to the learners about ethical, responsible and accountable leadership. It is about producing individuals that can think critically and independently without being influenced. We want to produce leaders/learners who will offer solutions to the challenges confronting the society. This camp targets learners who are in Grade 10 & 11 and doing history. We are also in partnership with Nelson Mandela University and some of their officials offer leadership lessons to the camp participants. What is offered at the camp is also aligned with the curriculum of the Department of Education.
October – December
October – December
Spring School Camp
The Spring Camp is a collaboration between Nelson Mandela Museum & Robben Island Museum whereby Nelson Mandela Museum is invited to bring learners from the Eastern Cape to attend this camp. This programme has been running since 1998 and its objective amongst many is to foster in youth a lasting interest in heritage through multi-disciplined workshops. Participants are encouraged to engage robustly. The target participants are learners doing Grade 10 & 11.
January – March
January – March
Human Rights Competition
This programme targets learners doing Grade 10 & 11 from all public and private schools. The focus is on those doing history. The main objective is to inculcate the culture of human rights, tolerance and that rights also come with responsibilities and accountability. We also strive to make them link human rights with universal human rights, their thinking and understanding not be limited to their respective learners. As a bonus to the top 4 winners of our Human Rights Essay Competition, the learners get the opportunity to visit the Sharpeville Memorial Massacre Site in Sharpeville where more than 60 people were killed by apartheid police on 21st March 1960 fighting for their rights. They also visit other sites of significance in the Gauteng Province and linkages are made to the human rights.SCHOOL ROADSHOWS

Jan to March
Jan to March
Back to school campaign
The museum will identify schools to conduct the Back to School Campaign. The campaign will assist those disadvantaged learners with school bags and school shoes. It will also provide sanitary towels for girls who do not go to school during their menstrual cycles and hygiene items for boys.
April to June
April to June
Learner Debate school engagement
The museum subscribes to the concept of lifelong learning through hosting debates, competitions and school engagements in different provinces of South Africa. These activities are conducted in partnership with schools, Department of Education to empower and engage learners to improve their education.
July to September
July to September