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This programme targets learners doing Grade 10 & 11 from all public and private schools. The focus is on those doing history. The main objective is to inculcate the culture of human rights, tolerance and that rights also come with responsibilities and accountability. We also strive to make them link human rights with universal human rights, their thinking and understanding not be limited to their respective learners. As a bonus to the top 4 winners of our Human Rights Essay Competition, the learners get the opportunity to visit the Sharpeville Memorial Massacre Site in Sharpeville where more than 60 people were killed by apartheid police on 21st March 1960 fighting for their rights. They also visit other sites of significance in the Gauteng Province and linkages are made to the human rights

Monday 9 am–4 pm Tuesday 9 am–4 pm Wednesday 9 am–4 pm Thursday 9 am–4 pm Friday 9 am–4 pm Saturday 9 am–1 pm Sunday Closed

Adults: free
Children & Students free
Donations Accepted

Corner Nelson Mandela Drive & Owen Street, Bhunga Building, Mthatha, 5009
047 501 9500